The weather early in the week was chilly but it all warmed up nicely on Sunday when we held our annual GTSC Regatta.
A successful day where all scheduled sailing races took place. The wind was good - behaving itself for once making the sailing very pleasant, with virtually no capsizes (unless they were done intentionally!).
A lot of people took part in the sailing and came down to take in the wonderful scenery and facilities that the club has to offer and enjoy the Tea Bar, Bar and Barbecue.
During the Regatta we ran the Bart’s Bash race in aid of Andrew ‘Bart’ Simpson and we raised £30.
I have completed the Results for the Regatta and these are attached.
I will be posting the results for the Bart’s Bash race onto the Bart’s Bash website in a few days’s time where you’ll be able to view how you did compared to sailors from around the world.
Thank you to everyone who helped and to those who came down to watch or take part to make the day a great success.
See you all again in 2025.